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The first KOL DAO group in history

For Investors:

ALPHA DAO CALLS is a group that provides value to all ETH investors and project creators, offering information and narratives that will shape the next market cycle. Only $XFBOT holders will have administrative privileges to accept or reject new members.

For Projects:

ALPHA DAO CALLSΒ is the only group that guarantees a 100% organic audience and a minimum 30% return on marketing investment. The fixed price for each call will be 0.35 Ethereum and will ensure a return on investment for the contractor as follows: 30% of the amount charged will be used to purchase the contractor’s project token and locked in the treasury, ensuring long-term commitment and loyalty.


Ideal for engaging your community and creating bonds with future holders of your project. Hosting an AMA in the community brings the necessary boost for your organic growth.

PRICE: 0.25 ETH (0.1 ETH for the HOST + 0.15 ETH for DAO)

Payment only : 0x8ee6249d4e82c97b4EBAb5B999Eee1aa73B7aBEa

For Project Research and Gem Hunters:

To become an Alpha KOL manager, you don’t need to be an $XFBOT holder. Alpha managers will have the opportunity to manage project calls and receive additional income fees generated by this service. Fees for each contracted project: 0.1 $ETH Each call will adhere to a quality standard to ensure a secure investment for ALPHA DAO CALLS group investors and will have a specified time window between each call.

To be admitted and receive your tag, schedule an interview at:

Partners & Investors